Protect future success, ideas!Patents - Designs - Trademarks!

Designs - protecting appearance, selling the optical difference! 

Drafting and filing preparations

Designs protect the appearance of a product. Widely known and associated with fashion industry, designs are not limited thereto. Designs span the entire value chain. They are not technical by their legal nature. 

You are curious or one of your clients is curious about adding (further) designs to your or your client's IP portfolio?

You want to or your client wants to set free some extra time, e.g. to manage other aspects of an existing IP portfolio or to manage your law firm, law boutique or company?

You seek or one of your clients seeks support regarding the following

  • Where are designs added to your or your clients' products?
  • How does a design application have to be drafted?
  • Where does one have to take care of a design portfolio and how do you or your clients set free some extra time for all the other aspects in your IP strategy and business environment?
  • You or your client considers preparing and filing design applications?
  • You or your client wants to know which designs are out there on the "market"?
  • You or your clients' are curious about the wealth of forms? 
  • You want to know how Manuel Pescher IP Services can support you in your or your client's design protection process and strategy?

Visit the section

Why Manuel Pescher IP Services?

Dr. Manuel Pescher finished a three year educational program in one of Europe's leading IP law firms and is in the final stage ("Amtsjahr") of becoming a German patent attorney. Additionally, Dr. Manuel Pescher is in the final stage of becoming a European patent attorney in parallel. Thus, Dr. Manuel Pescher does not give you binding legal advice yet, but can give support to you, your IP firm or IP boutique in all matters of patent drafting and patent prosecution work and searches, e.g. regarding prior art. To find out more about the person Dr. Manuel Pescher, visit the section
