Protect future success, ideas!Patents - Designs - Trademarks!

Three corner stones of intellectual property - IP: Patents - Designs - Trademarks

Intellectual property - IP - needs to be taken care of...

Taking care takes time and taking time costs resources...

There is one thing not to be multiplied: Your time!

Curious about how to create extra time for you, for managing your IP law firm, your IP portfolio or for your clients and customers?

Manuel Pescher IP Services 

supports you, your IP boutique or IP law firm in daily IP matters:

  • - patent drafting 
  • - prosecution work
  • - trademark searches
  • - trademark filing preparations
  • - drafting list of goods and services
  • - design searches
  • - design filing preparations
  • - patent searches 

Set your focus on other relevant aspects of intellectual property!

Manuel Pescher IP Services is run by Dr. Manuel Pescher. He holds a Dr. in Physics and two German "Diplom" in Physics as well as Biology. Based on this broad scientific background, Dr. Manuel Pescher can support you in all technical fields of IP prosecution. 

After successfully finishing a three years training period in the patent and IP field in one of Europe's leading patent law firms, Dr. Manuel Pescher is currently involved in the final stage of becoming a German patent attorney („Amtsjahr“). In this role Dr. Manuel Pescher is affiliated as an intern with the German Patent and Trademark Office as well as with the Federal Patent Court in Munich, Germany. The upcoming experiences and training will foster the IP knowledge to allow Dr. Manuel Pescher to contribute to all fields of IP in your company, IP firm or IP boutique, covering trademark and design law as well.  

In parallel, Dr. Manuel Pescher is in the final stage of becoming a European patent attorney.  

Curious about how to create extra time for you, your IP boutique, IP law firm or your company’s IP group? You need extra time to take care of your clients or of an IP portfolio? Get someone involved that is self organized who manages your basic tasks in the field of IP. Get support by Manuel Pescher IP Services. Feel free to reach out so we can find out about a potential match:


Patent drafting is story-telling. Who is the person of interest, the "legal public", a potential licensee, the court that deals with potential infringement or validity of your application or patent?

Address the right group, disclose what is necessary, but not more than that! 

Curious about how Manuel Pescher IP Services could give support to you in drafting a patent application?

Curious about how Manuel Pescher IP Services could provide support in your prosecution practice?



Design protection might be an essential corner stone of your IP portfolio. 

What is a suitable design protection strategy?

How do the designs have to be protected?

Where can Manuel Pescher IP Services support you in shuffling free the extra time you might need to develop novel ideas, designs?

Where can Manuel Pescher IP Services support you in Design drafting and application process for you to focus on your clients or customers?



Trademarks are your legal tag on your products or services to allow customers and clients to recognize you on the market and to distinguish you from your competitors. Basis for each trademark in Germany and Europe forms a sign, e.g. a logo, a sound, a jingle as well as even more "abstract forms", such as tactile or hologram trademarks. You or your clients are curious about

What are the prerequisites of trademark protection?

What trademarks are out there to minimize the potential risks of collisions?

How can one obtain trademark protection?

What sets trademark protection apart from branding?

Where can Manuel Pescher IP Services support you in your trademark drafting and prosecution work?

